Freckles, pimples and acne - we have experience it all. During our puberty or even up to our adult years, they seem to be popping out left and right causing further anxiety and stress not to mention lowering of self-esteem. Nevertheless, why is it that some people are spared from having these while others are not? Is it because of the genes, or are they applying something that we are not aware of or is it simply pure luck? Studies have shown that various factors cause spots to appear.
Hormonal changes- as soon as we hit puberty, our hormones start to go haywire as well. Changes start to happen although not everyone experiences these changes the same way. For some, it may happen earlier or later than the normal period. Girls would experience breast development, menstruation and changes in other parts of the body. Boys would experience voice change, growth spurts and start to have wet dreams. For adults, hormonal imbalance may factor in; medicines taken may also result in breakout of spots or acne.
Food/Diet - although it is not known what other particular foods cause acne or spots to appear, studies have shown that sugar and food that have high glycemic index do cause pimples. This is because too much sugar can boost your insulin level, increasing sebum production and thus clogging pores.
Stress - stress has always been a part of our lives, though we try hard not to let it get in our way and instead think of happy thoughts every day. Challenges might force us to think otherwise. Studies have shown that when one feels anxious and tense, the body releases hormones particularly cortisol which in turn increases the skin's oil production causing pimples and spots.
Lifestyle choices - as we become engrossed with our social calendar and careers, we sacrifice our health. Lack of sleep, improper hygiene and sedentary lifestyles can lead to poor health. In addition, because of these poor choices the skin that is the first one to suffer starts to become dry and break causing bacteria to breed and clog pores.
One way to help cure and remove persistent skin problems is to use over the counter topical creams and ointment. Another would be the removal of the acne through surgery. The use of skin care products that have a low dosage of benzoyl peroxide. You have to remember that these products work depending on the skin reaction and as such some may be effective while other would not. With that said, it is still best to talk with your dermatologist or consult a health care provider who can discuss the pros and cons of the product especially if you have oversensitive skin or have extreme allergic reaction. This way, you can look good without having to sacrifice your skin's health at the same time.
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